Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Good design/Bad design

Image result for starbucks logo history

I am going to be evaluating the progression of the Starbucks Logo.

1971- The first logo that Starbucks came up with was too detailed without enough clarity.  From up close you can make out the Greek Goddess but from afar it's hard to tell what you're really looking at. The goddess is also topless, so it was inevitable that she would need to be covered once their chain branched out to be more conservative.  It also displays the words "coffee", "tea", and "spices".
1987-The next logo they produce was more simple, just having the words "Starbucks" and "coffee" and the goddess is less realistic.  The logo went from brown to green with a black center.  The logo has more contrast between the white, green, and black, and it is easier to see the woman in the middle.  This logo makes me a bit uncomfortable the way the goddess in the middle is spreading her fin-legs, once again a little sexual.
1992-As time goes on, the logo gets more simple, and less sexual.  The next logo zoomed in more on the goddess's face, so you can only see her fins on the side.  This logo still has "Starbucks Coffee" on it.
2011-The current logo no longer displays Starbucks' name.  It is zoomed even closer up to the woman and is only green.  This logo is the best logo because it is simple, like a logo should be, and it is more conservative to protect Starbucks from any issues among conservative communities.

Although the colors have changed, I like that Starbucks has kept the same Greek goddess and the focal point of every logo, making an identity for themselves, and the consistency makes them recognizable.

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